Enjoy access to our gaming facilities and explore a variety of games with a pay-per-hour option.
Book NowPlay anytime with unlimited access for a week, perfect for those who want to dive deep into their favorite games.
Subscribe NowGain unlimited access to all our facilities with priority booking and exclusive perks for an entire month.
Subscribe NowBook our gaming lounge for parties, private gatherings, or gaming events. Discounts available for longer bookings.
Book NowCompete in our structured tournaments and challenge other skilled players. Fees may vary based on the event.
Join NowEnhance your skills with a dedicated coach in one-on-one or small group sessions, tailored to your game of choice.
Book NowAccess high-quality streaming equipment to broadcast your gameplay online with full technical support.
Rent NowPerfect for celebrations, this package includes exclusive access to our gaming stations, catering options, and a dedicated host. Minimum of five people required.
Book NowParticipate in our High Score Challenges to compete for leaderboard positions and special prizes.
Join Now1465 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60605, USA
+13375532103 | +13375532294